Frequently Asked Questions – What’s the mission?

Q: What is the God Code?

A: A set of ideas and lenses to bring Science and Religious and cultural wisdom together.

Q: What is your goal?

A: Through exploring the GC ideas in stories, analogies, application, videos, simulations and indeed any suitable medium etc – To ultimately bring deeper meaning and purpose to people, for the benefit of all.

Some of this includes real technical projects – like teaching the young coding skills as well while also learning about deeper issues, like in the Minecraft world.  (We actually want to build this minecraft world and are looking at adding an AI element to it)

The Advanced Code Institute (ACI) was formed recently to deliver something  specifically useful to needful children in developing countries   Read about ACI here.

Q: I’m a realist/rationalist – and I don’t believe in God or Creator. Why would I look at this?

A: GC does not require that you believe in God, or a creator. That’s up to you.  GC does believe there is some wisdom in ancient practices, customs and knowledge.  This wisdom is often embedded or intermixed with religious sacred texts, or ideas.  The wisdom is still there and relevant – independent of believing the literal words in these texts.

Q: Is this only for Judeo-Christian followers/believers?

A: No.  I am sure there is wisdom and ideas in other religions and texts, and likely some which can fit and be viewed through the GC lens. However at the time of writing I can only comment on areas where I have more exposure and experience.

Q: I want to Join and Help. What do you need?

A: If you have some specific skills and want to join, you can join here.  We also welcome your general support here.


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