The world sure is complex – and life is hard.
I have found that the more time I spend looking and learning about science, technology, philosophy, religions, the bible etc – that I discover there is much to learn.
I have learnt much, but there is much I don’t know, much we scientifically don’t know. However the more I understand the more balanced I feel. I may have much to learn and do, but I know more than I did yesterday. Each day, I aim to do a tiny bit more, learn a tiny bit more.
Do you have some questions about science and the world? Are you confused or conflicted about what you hear or read in the news, internet, friends? Unsure how myths, beliefs, God fits in our technological world?
Let me know. Ask me – I may have something relevant I can pass on.
Ask me and I will do my best to answer. It can’t hurt and I might learn something answering the question and maybe you will to.