The God Code - Page 4 of 6 - A techie lens on ancient wisdoms

Girl Praying Church

Can regular attendance at a service be good for you?

by gcadmin on Friday, October 5th, 2018 in GCLens, Religion.

Regular service attendance improves health – study suggests.
Only a few short months ago the world seemed to stop. Day by day, as more measures were taken by various governments, the list of activities you could enjoy and areas that …

Footprints in the Sand

Foot Prints in your Computer – Who is taking care of you?

by gcadmin on Monday, September 3rd, 2018 in Computer Technical, Creator, Philosophy, Programming.

 “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you.”
When you run a program on …

Armor of God

Do you have your “Armour of God”?

by gcadmin on Sunday, August 19th, 2018 in Jordan Peterson, Philosophy, Religion.

Bishop Barron discusses some core themes often covered by Dr Jordan Peterson.
The Hero, like Bilbo Baggins from Tolkein’s the Hobbit, or Luke Skywalker from Lucas’s Star Wars saga, is compelled
out of the normal order of their life and …

Samson Pillars

Life is hard. What are your pillars? Bible stories = more pillars

by gcadmin on Tuesday, July 31st, 2018 in Bible, Jordan Peterson, Philosophy.

Dr Jordan Peterson gave an inspirational talk recently and discussed clinical depression, how to avoid it and surprisingly stories have a strong impact on us at the biological level.
Many would agree that having stability in your life is better …

bible code

Religion Obsolete or Pseudo code for life?

by gcadmin on Friday, June 22nd, 2018 in Computer Technical, Jesus, Philosophy, Programming, Religion.

Religion is Obsolete. Right?
Bret Weinstein (@BretWeinstein)  says, moderating the Dr Jordan Peterson vs Sam Harris discussion in Vancouver:
“What if the religious texts are heuristics through which most people simplify most calculations [that] they are in no position to …


How good or bad are things now? Some facts

by gcadmin on Monday, June 18th, 2018 in Philosophy, Religion.

Good News, Bad News and “Facts”
It is surprisingly easy to get caught up in things – a news story or a post with a catchy headline, a picture showing something terrible and an article that makes us wonder how …

Religion as Operating System

If Religion was an Operating System, which one is yours?

by gcadmin on Sunday, June 3rd, 2018 in Bible, Computer Technical, Philosophy, Religion.

Surprisingly comparing Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh OS and Linux is a little like comparing the Catholicism, Orthodox Christians and Protestants (and related religions).
Sounds a little crazy doesn’t it?
If you keep reading you may learn more about your religion, …

Jordan Peterson Lobster

Dr Jordan B Peterson – who the h*** are you?

by gcadmin on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 in Jordan Peterson, Philosophy.

Dr Jordan B Peterson is:
A Global Phenomenon – yes
Controversial – yes
Best Selling Author – yes
Clinical Psychologist – yes
Professor – yes
Husband, Father, Grandfather – yes
Deep Thinker – yes
Christian – probably
Instigator of 12+ …

God Buffering

Your buffering and why your computer sees you as God

by gcadmin on Monday, May 21st, 2018 in Computer Technical, Creator, Philosophy, Religion.

To your computer, you are a God. The computer’s raw data goes through buffering. It never sees the raw data from the world.
Are there parallels in how a computer sees you, its’ owner and creator? How we humans see …

Mary Children God

Maja’s daughter asked – “Where is God?”

by gcadmin on Monday, May 14th, 2018 in Bible, Jordan Peterson, Philosophy, Religion.

Dr Peterson and God
In March this year I had the privilege and pleasure to meet Dr Jordan Peterson. (I highly recommend any of Doctor Peterson’s Youtube lectures, or his interviews or books. His latest – 12 Rules for Life …